Sunday, 6 June 2004

just droppin' by

15:20 (gmt+1) I felt like I had to leave a little note here so you'll know this place isn't dead. My studies have kept me busy over the last month, but I hope the next three or four weeks or so are going to be a little easier. I'm contemplating about some sort of update. But I also need to update my personal site badly. Ghh, I feel stressed again already.

I also got myself a job as the webmaster of the German-Swedish Society of Saxony-Anhalt. I've got the design and the coding finished, but what makes the whole case so icky is that we've hardly got any content, yet. And our president decided we won't put anything online that's not finished. I get to writing some pages eventually, but I also need some content to put there and everything needs to be discussed in the managing committe first, which means a million emails sent back and forth before something goes online. Now I know to appreciate the fact that for my own sites I don't have to answer to anyone.

Oh, by the way, does anyone know a good forum? One where I can switch languages? Meaning that even someone who doesn't know English can sign up as a user? President says a guestbook is not enough. He wants a forum also. Anie

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